Non-Ablative Laser Soft Palate Remodeling

This procedure targets one of the primary culprits behind snoring and upper airway obstruction soft palate tissue laxity.

Compared with traditional approaches, this treatment is very well-tolerated, causes minimal discomfort, and complements other treatment modalities brilliantly.

Contact us to learn more! 303-449-8875

DESIGNED to complement other interventions for sleep and breathing, this procedure refines the soft palate by promoting collagen production and contraction, resulting in tissue firmness and improved airflow.

This precise laser treatment specifically targets soft palate issues while preserving healthy tissue. It may result in long-lasting relief from snoring, improved airflow, and can be effectively combined with orofacial myofunctional therapy, eXciteOSA, oral appliances, UPPP, or CPAP therapy for comprehensive treatment and enhanced results.


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